Jack C. Kauffman
83 years old
Born in Rolfe, Iowa in 1932
Now lives in Swea City, Iowa
U.S. Army Korean War Veteran
The horror of being on the front lines
during the heat of the Korean War- said to be the bloodiest war of
all time - has haunted U.S. Army veteran Jack Kauffman his entire
adult life.

Kauffman's first wife couldn't take it
and divorced the disabled war veteran. “I got married again in
1969, but my wife has to sleep in another bedroom. She tried at
first, but I accidentally hurt her during one of my flashbacks,” he
says. To this day, the smells of certain foods also trigger his war
flashbacks. “Some foods, like squash, reminds me of when we were trying
to eat on the battle field with the smells of the dead bodies.”
The Swea City, Iowa veteran continues.
“I'd seen a lot of crap over there. War is terrible when it's bloody
like (Korea) was on the front lines. I was on foreign duty 19 months
and 10 days. I served under General MacArthur. I came home a
different person.” Kauffman tries to fight back the tears, but they
come anyway. “My mom noticed and said I wasn't the same boy who
left home to go to war. I said, 'Mom, I'm not the same.'”
Kauffman says he contracted tuberculosis
in Korea, plus suffered from back and leg injuries. He was treated in
a Minneapolis hospital for the TB once he arrived back stateside.
Unfortunately, his young daughter contracted the disease from him.
Kauffman says he continues on-going
treatment for post-traumatic stress syndrome at the VA hospital. Yet
he continues to push through and live as normal a life as he can,
under the circumstances. He still gets together with his fellow vets on
occasion and even attends meetings of the Korean War Veterans
Association Chapter 254.
© Photo and Story Joseph Kreiss
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