Carroll L. Monsen
Age 82
Born in Rake, Iowa in 1934
Now lives in Esterville, Iowa
U.S. Army Korean War Veteran

Monsen was 19 years old when he
“had a little riff with my brother and dad on the farm. The next
day I went to town and volunteered for the Army.” That was in
November of 1953. He would find himself in the Korean War by April of
1954, spending a year and a half there with the U.S. Army.
“I drove Jeep for the Combat
Engineer's company commander,” Monsen recalls. “One day he asked
if I could cook, so I became a cook.” Cooking didn't exclude him
from other duties. “When the sirens went off, I grabbed a 50
caliber machine gun.”
Monsen was also in charge of taking
enemy prisoners to the stockade when they were brought in from the
front lines. “The commander said to me, 'If they try to escape, kill
'em.' That really stuck in my mind,” he says. “I'll tell you,
that's a weird feeling to have him tell me to do that.”
Another war memory for Monsen was when
he was told to take a case of hand grenades up to the hills. “The
pins in those grenades had almost rusted though, making them very
dangerous,” he recalls. “The commander told me to just set them
out up there and leave them. He didn't want me to try and set them
off. He said if I did, I would have been the first guy in orbit!”
Ranks were frozen at the time for many soldiers, including himself, so
Monsen left the Army in September of 1955. “They tried to get me to
re-enlist, which would give you another stripe
, but I said no way. I
got a bunch of milk cows waiting for me back home.”Story and photograph © 2015 Joseph Kreiss Photography
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