Kenneth Thate
Born in 1924 in Fairmont, MN
Currently lives in Fairmont, MN
U.S. Army World War II Veteran

He was 19 years old and said he was making $21 per month in
the Army. “I sent $10 of it home,” Thate said. After basic training, he was
shipped to the Army’s Camp Adair training facility near Corvallis, Oregon
before heading to California for deployment in the South Pacific. “We were headed
to the Philippines, but the war ended,” Thate said. “I joined and they were so
scared of me they surrendered,” he joked.
His unit, the U.S. Army 64th Division Battery “H”
Heavy Artillery, was diverted from their Philippines assignment to occupy Japan
following the dropping of the atomic bomb and the Japanese surrender in 1945. “I
saw the carnage,” Thate recalled. “You couldn’t believe the destruction. Eight-by-eight
steel beams were twisted and looked like pretzels. People wandered around in a
daze not even knowing what day it was,” Thate said.
Thate was in Japan for about a year, and lost his hearing
shooting the big guns. “I was in charge of a 105mm Howitzer canon,” he said. “We
didn’t have ear protection back then. It was loud and I shot that gun okay.
When it was fired, the wheels would jump off the ground.”
Thate went over to Japan as a corporal and was up for master
sergeant rank and recommended for officer training school, but decided to come
back home to Fairmont. Taking a moment to reflect on his time in the Army,
Thate looks back with amazement on how quickly time goes by. “That was over 70
years ago,” he added. “It just doesn’t seem like it was that long ago that I
got out of the service.”
Story and Image © 2017 Joseph Kreiss Photography
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