Howard Jorgenson
73 years old
Born in 1943 in Truman, Minnesota
Currently living in Truman, MN.
U.S. Army National Guard Vietnam War

He decided to join the U.S. Army
National Guard rather than be drafted, and served with the National
Guard for seven and a half years. “We stayed stateside, he
recalled. “We protected our military bases.” During his stint in
the service, he reached the rank of E-5 (Staff Sgt.) and said he
worked with “heavy weapons.”
For a local farm boy who had never left
home, Jorgenson's time in the Guard saw him traveling within the
United States as various duty assignments came up. He remembers being
stationed at bases in Missouri, Georgia, North and South Carolina and
in his home state of Minnesota.
After his discharge, he headed right
back to Truman to continue farming and raise a family. Jorgenson
remembered when his final paycheck from the National Guard arrived in
the mail. “I never cashed it,” he said with a grin. “That final
check was for one dollar and ninety-seven cents!”
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