Raymond Laffey
82 years old
Born in 1932 in Armstrong Iowa
Currently living in Armstrong Iowa
U.S. Navy Korean War Veteran
Raymond Laffy was about 20 years old
when, in 1952, he and three of his buddies from Armstrong, Iowa,
joined the military at the same time. Raymond headed to the U.S.
Navy, eventually spending four-years of wartime sea duty as a Yeoman
on several Navy cargo and tanker ships. “I did mostly clerical
work,” he remembers of his time serving our country.
“We went over (to Korea) on the World
War II-vintage ARG-4, USS Tutuila (originally laid down in 1943 as
the Arthur P. Gorman), a troop transport ship. Even though we didn't
see any conflict,” Laffey recalls, “I did my duty to serve my
country. Some was good and some was not so good.”
Once back stateside after the war,
Laffey returned to his hometown, finding work in a few different
jobs. “I worked mostly as a grocery store clerk in Armstrong, he
says. “First at the B&M, then the D&M (“Don and Mel”)
Food Market on Main Street. He worked with his brother who had
purchased the store. Laffey has stayed in town ever since. “I still
have family living in Armstrong,” he says.