Donald Tietje
Age 78
Born on his family's farm in the
Tenhassen Township, Martin County (Wilbert, Minnesota) in 1937
Now lives in Fairmont, Minn.
U.S. Army Korean War and Vietnam War
Donald Tietje's military career began
in 1957 when, following in his late brother Herb's footsteps, Donald
enlisted in the Army Reserve and was part of the government's
“Federal Reserve” program. “You signed-up for a six year
enlistment,” Tietje explained. “It was two years of active duty
and four years in the reserves.” He was activated at the start
of the Viet Nam War in 1961 and also was stationed in Korea for a
year with the 181th Signal Corps depot where he worked
repairing radio and electronic equipment.
Tietji is currently the Commander of the Korean War Veterans
Post Chapter 254, former Minnesota American Legion 2nd
District Commander (2011-2012) and a former VFW Post Commander.
You can read more about Mr. Tietje's
military experience in the planned coffee table-style photo book
“Portrait of a Veteran.”